Le Supplice Chinois de la Goutte d'Eau

Le Supplice Chinois de la Goutte d'Eau walkthrough
In Shanghai, Harry is captured by a Sorcerer-Eunuch in the service of an ancient dynasty. Enclosed in a bewitched pagoda whose rooms are flooded one after the other, Harry must escape the famous tank of the Chinese Supplice while facing the crazy Shaolin monks and the dangerous dragons that block the pagoda exits. Have fun!

Le Supplice Chinois de la Goutte d'Eau Le Supplice Chinois de la Goutte d'Eau
Reviewed by : MixGames1
Url : https://mixgames1.blogspot.com/2018/11/le-supplice-chinois-de-la-goutte-deau.html
Label : Point and Click Games

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